
I created this place because my endless digital circles (look at the bottom of the site to see what I mean) need a way to come together. I’m creating an internet hub where all the things that I’ve done, am doing, and want to do can live.

I don’t just want this place to be about me; that would suck. I’m putting it out there on the interwebs, rather than in my own personal Lisa Frank trapper keeper, because I want to work with you.
You see, folks, I’m all about the connections.
Whether it’s me to you, a client to an audience, a friend to their dream job, an intern to an mentor, a sponsor to a conference, a speaker to a panel … this is what I love about the internet. Everything that it makes possible; every (zillion) doors it opens that were never there before.
I think of the web as One Big Warm Fuzzy just waiting to happen. Because I’ve seen it time and time again, and I love nothing more than being the person who makes that happen.
So, let’s talk. Let’s get a glass of wine or three, and talk about that huge idea or project or goal you’ve got on your mind. Let’s brainstorm over brunch and leave full of eggs benny and delicious new plans. Let’s Skype about that massive hurdle standing in your way… with a side of interwebby gossip thrown in for good measure.
Sound good? Great. Talk soon!